The COVID 19 outbreak sweeping the globe is driving more and more farms to start shipping pastured poultry products directly to the the consumer doorstep. Shipping was a big topic at the 2020 Professional Pastured Poultry Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, and some of those conversations were summarized in an APPPA Grit issue. To help provide all pastured poultry farmers with a quick start, we'll make the APPPA Grit article and a NMPAN webinar available on this page. QuickStart Guide and FAQs: This summary from the conferences identifies a 3 step process to get started shipping perishable product and addresses come frequent questions about pricing, internet sales, dry ice, small orders, and more. It is a summary of discussion by APPPA members. Disclaimer: As you pursue information on shipping, it's important to understand that you may encounter conflicting information. This is not surprising considering the information you receive is based on experience. Got questions? APPPA membership includes a discussion forum for members that is a wealth of knowledge from practiced pastured poultry pros of all sizes. We recommend you take your questions to this group. If you have have a regulatory question, send that question to, and we will consult Dr. Michael Fisher for an answer. Shipping Meat WebinarThe Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network (NMPAN) posted this webinar on shipping perishable meat. It features APPPA member Marble Creek Farmstead. Receive Free PDF Issue of APPPA Grit Newsletter
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