Pastured Poultry: Better Way Forward

Thu, October 26, 2017 6:52 AM | Anonymous

In a world where organic birds stay confined to the barn and free range chickens never see sunshine or grass, figuring out what pastured poultry means can challenge a conscientious eater's best intentions.   

Terrell Spencer, APPPA President and farmer at Across the Creek Farms sums up the challenge nicely, "Other people portray themselves as us. We don’t do a good job of marketing who we are. The ones who don’t do what we do, do a good job of marketing that they do it like us." 

The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA) hears the challenge and sees the larger poultry industry putting on their sheep's clothing. But we see the wolf clearly. 

As a first step in taking our message mainstream, we're publishing a short film with supporting web content that will help consumers understand what pastured poultry is and then help them find it. 

We call it "Better Way Forward" and the full film is coming in early November 2017.

Here are some ways you can get involved and help spread a positive message about pastured poultry. 

  1. Like our Facebook to see updates or better yet, subscribe to our free email list.
  2. Share this trailer and then the final film when published.
  3. Become an APPPA member and join forces with a growing community of farmers who see pastured poultry as a better way forward.

Stay tuned. 

Contact Mike Badger, with questions.

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